Zinalpro consists of
Mixture “Zinal Compound” - spirulina, glutamic acid, chlorella, the root of spiny eleuterococus, amber acid, ginger hand, zinc sulfate, ginkgo biloba, vitamin B1.
A day dose (8 capsules) includes: 20 mg of zinc sulfate (133% from RDA), 2mg of vitamin B1 (130% from RDA).
Zinc is the main compound element for more than 2000 enzymes, one which is alcohol dehydrogenate (ADH) required to deintoxicate alcohol from tissues. Zinc is quickly absorbed into the upper part of small intestine better on an empty stomach. Nevertheless there exists a rare genetic disease (acrodermatitis enteropathica) that prevents zinc absorption by the intestine. We developed a special form of biological zinc compounded with protein structures to provide the biggest absorption and availability of zinc for all systems of the body.
Glutamic acid (glutamine acid) – aliphatic amino acid regulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system; influences as nootropic, deintoxicative, ammonia compound element. Replaced amino acid acts as neurotransmitters with a high metabolic activity in brain, stimulates oxidation-reduction process there and protein metabolism. The acid regulates metabolism, changes functional state of nervous and endocrine systems. It stimulates excitation transfer in synapse of the central nervous system; compounds and excretes ammonia. The main function of the medicine is that it protects liver. Glutamic acid along with cysteine and glycine is an essential component of tripeptide glutathrone. Cellular glutathrone included into cytosol is a compound point of chemical elements and their toxic chemically active metabolites that are the base for conjugates that does not have a influence especially on the liver.
Spirulina - oscillatoriales cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).
Spirulina is a unique source to supply the human body with proteins, microelements and vitamins. One gram of spirulina contains the same amount of nutrient substances as one kilogram of different vegetables do. There is a protein (65%) that includes 18 amino acids (8 of them cannot be synthesized in the body and are called essential), ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids, phycocyanin xanthophylls that have antitumor effect. Moreover it was discovered that spirulina “can control growth” and development of cells. The main function of the medicine is that it protects liver. The famous Mexican clinical study (Ble-Castillo J.L.et al, Life Science 2002; 70 : 2665-2673) describes the effect of Spirulina on animal subjects’ low liver function caused by simvastatin, hypercholesterolemic diet and a large amount of alcohol.
Chrolella (greek χλωρός, “green” and lat. ella - diminutival) is a kind of unicellular green algae related to Chlorophyta division.
It is a small unicellar algae that inhabits in fresh water for more than 2,5 bln years. Chrolella is one of the first organism on the Earth. It contains 50% of proteins and the biggest concentration of chlorophyll and nuclear acids (RNA and DNA). For us it is essential that it can detoxicate. This property was well described in the research work by Dr. Paul Tse in “The detoxification, immunostimulation and healing property of chlorella” presented in Singapore on March 18 and 19, 2000. Paul Tse proved in the report that chlorella helps humans to excrete such toxins as cadmium, arsenic, pesticides and alcohol.
Eleutherococcus is a kind of plants bloodline Araliaceae. Eleutherococcus is the best natural antasthenic. Its properties are thought to be alike “golden root” – ginseng.
There are coffee acid and its derivatives, phytosterol, steroid glycoside, triterpene saponosides in the essence of eleutherococcus. It was used as a tonic in case of physical weakness and as revitalisant during trainings in Russia, North China and Korea. It is important that eleutherococcus demonstrates ability to stimulate immune system and the clinical research (Szolomicki S. et al. Phytoterapy Research 14, 30-35, 2000) proved it. At the end of the test the net increase of immune cells was observed, especially T-lymphocytes of type helper/inducer and less cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers.
Amber acid (butanedioic acid, ethane-1,2- dicarboxylic acid) – dibasic saturated carboxylic acid that is in small amounts in a lot of plants and amber.
The acid positively influences the brain, prevents stresses, normalize central nervous system work, eliminates toxic effect of magnetic waves and radiation. It can be used in case of strong alcohol intoxication or for it prevention. Amber acid stimulates adenosine triphosphate (energetic molecules ATF), the unique thing that provides not only energy, but also revitalize a body. It helps cells to adopt oxygen, ensuring cell respiration. Thus amber acid helps liver cells to adopt oxygen 60 times quicker.
Ginger (lat. Zingiber) is a kind of perennial plant, bloodline Zingiberaceae.
Healing properties of ginger were well known long time ago. It is used for acute and chronic hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, sickness, laryngitis (loss of voice). New researchers proved that ginger is good not only for stomach and intestinal system, but also for respiratory organs. Ginger intoxication properties help to accelerate blood flow, thus cleaning body from large doses of alcohol or chemical pills that are used for a drug therapy. It is important that ginger prevents vomiting as it includes gingerols that have an effect not for central nervous system, but at a local level (Vishwakarma S.L. et al. Phytoterapy Research 16(7), 621-6 Nov 2002).
Ginkgo biloba is an epibiotic plant that is usually called a living fossil.
Gingko biloba includes different active components, i.e. bioflavanoid, flavanoid glycosides, terpenic three lactones, alkaloids, organic acids and proanthocyanidins. These active components are antioxidant, vasodilating, anti-ischemic, antiedemic, antiplatelet, urinative, neuroprotective and effects on Mitochondrial respiration and regulates vascular tone. Gingko biloba, called also “the tree of life” is the oldest tree on the Earth. Different researches proved the influence of Gingko on treatment of blood-vascular system and respiratory organs. Nevertheless for us it is important that Gingko biloba protects liver. This function was described by researcher Yuan G. and published in the Journal Phytoterapy Research (2007 Mar; 21(3): 234-8).
Essence of Gingko Biloba also has neuroprotective action that means it can diminish the risk of spontaneous apoptosis and apoptosis caused by oxidative damage.
Gingko biloba influences on exchange of noradrenaline, serotonine and dopamine thus acting as antidepressant. The noothropic effect of the essence is related to its ability to activate the cholinergic systems. It has urinative and neuroprotective effect. Its urinative ability is based on the improvement of renal blood flow and acceleration of glomerular filtration. The neuroprotective function is expressed by lowering of lipid oxidation, thus eliminating renal cells damage.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1; old name - aneurin) is a water-soluble vitamin, formula of which is C12H17N4OS.
Thiamine is well known as vitamin B1 and plays an important role in metabolism of and carbohydrates. This vitamin plays a big role for growth and development and supports heart, nervous and intestinal systems. Vitamin B1 after phosphorylation turns into cocarboxylase that is coenzyme in different enzyme reactions. It is important for carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms as well as nervous irritation in synapses. Thiamine protects cell membranes from toxic influence of peroxidation. Vitamin B1 is coenzyme of decarboxylase and is a part of oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids (pyroracemic, α-ketoglutaric) is an inhibitor of the enzyme – cholinesterase. The enzyme can deconjugate acetylcholine a mediator of CNS that controls transportation of Na+ through a neuron membrane. It is proved that vitamin B1 as thiaminpyrophosphate is an essential part of at least four enzymes that participate in intermediate metabolism. These two complicate enzyme systems are pyroracemic, α-ketoglutaric. Thiaminpyrophosphate transfers glycolaldehyde structure from keto saccharum to aldo in transketolase. Phosphates of thiamine turns ATP into AMP.