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Alcohol and Zinc

What are the consequences of cuprum surplus if you addict to alcohol?
There was a trial when animal subjects received alcohol daily. First 2-3 weeks zinc, cuprum, iron, lithium was heavily excreted. Later if the subject continued using alcohol, cuprum and iron got retained, but zinc excretion constantly continues.
As a result long-term deficit of zinc and surplus of cuprum (that several times exceeds the norm) is formed. Liver, kidneys, brain, testicles and skin have lack of zinc, while there is profuse amount of cuprum in brain and liver. Such disproportion of zinc and cuprum leads to immunodeficiency, i.e. AIDS, hepatic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, diseases of viral nature, hepatolenticular disease (Wilson disease), schizophrenia, depression, rheumatism.


The deficit of zinc prevents the process of alcohol neutralization and its removal that increases liver damage and develops alcoholic liver disease that might include bacony liver (hepatic steatosis), alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis that often leads to malignant hepatoma.
The damage effect of ethanol is possible even if you use small amounts of strong alcohol. HIgh doses and frequent use increases the risk of damage of pancreas (alcoholic pancreatitis), kidneys (glomerulonephritis), central nervous system (polyneuropathy), heart (myocardiodystrophy).


Ethanol has a toxic influence on pancreas, decreases enzyme activity of oxidase that leads to necrosis and inflammation with further fibrosis and fat degeneration of the pancreas tissue. Ethanol causes necrosis of minor vessels and malfunction of microcirculation.
Ethanol causes spasm of the pancreatic duct that leads to intraductal hyperpiesis, i.e. the duct walls become enzyme permeable and more active, thus self-destroying process of pancreas starts. Alcohol influences pancreatic juice causing a surplus of proteins and low concentration of bicarbonates that result in conditions for forming protein plugs that excretes with calcium and settles in the pancreatic duct. If there are invaders in the pancreatic duct then lithogenic process is activated. The frequent backsets of pancreatitis are usually caused by small or very small calculi migration. The most dangerous calculi are less than 4 mm. Up to 80% men suffer from alcoholic pancreatitis if they use from 20 to 80 mg ethanol per day during only 8-12 years.

Hepatic steatosis

Hepatic steatosis regenerates the liver cells into fat and cicatricial tissue, thus stopping neutralize toxins. If the process starts, it is in progress till the liver is not able to clean blood anymore followed by death. The signs of liver diseases are feeble such as increased fatigability, sleep and dispeptic disorders, burden in the right hypochondrium.


Alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by temperature, stomachache, jaundice, in severe cases by hepatism. Along with alcoholic hepatitis there are such diseases of digestive tract as: biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastroduodenitis, chronic cholecystitis, bowel dysbacteriosis, intestinal indigestion with the irritable colon syndrome, chronic bronchitis, hypovitaminosis, skin manifestations.
Chronic viral hepatitis is usually oligosymptomatic. In many cases viral hepatitis are diagnosed at the stage of hepatic cirrhosis already Regular signs of chronic hepatitis are weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, burden in the right hypochondria, hepatomegaly. Some ache in joints can be observed. Chronic hepatitis produces anti bodies to viruses B, C and others.
The hepatitis C virus. People addicted to alcohol (up to 35%) possess anti bodies to the virus of hepatitis C (anti HCV) that causes a lot of extrahepatic diseases: cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, thyroiditis, lichen acuminatus and other. Biopsy reveals the signs of viral liver disease caused by alcohol such as liver steatosis, fibrosis, malfunction of the bile duct. (see the research made by the Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education; Alcoholic hepatitis).


Alcoholic cirrhosis is revealed by indirect signs - edematous- ascites syndrome, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, encephalopathy, enteropathy, etc. Alcoholic cirrhosis quickly reduces the number of liver cells that have a cleaning function, meanwhile intoxication is accumulated in the body. Parasitical toxic effect on the liver is increased as small worm-invaders such as liver and opisthorchid flukes, liamblias, etc destroy liver cells live on cells of bile duct, liver, blood cells. Toxic elements and allergens that they produce cause cell mutation and accelerate malignification of liver. Cirrhosis can start even if the subject does not use alcohol!
Cirrhosis fatality rate
Liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol is one of the leading death reasons at the age from 35 to 55 years. Up to 50% of the patients with cirrhosis who are older than 60 years die during a year. According the research made by foreign scientists it is possible for alcoholics to stay alive for 4 years: in case of hepatic steatosis – 70%, alcoholic hepatitis – 50%, combining with a viral hepatitis – 35%. These figures are much higher than for other oncological diseases.
Can alcoholism be inherited?
The deficit of zinc and surplus of cuprum caused by parents’ alcoholism can be inherited. This fact is proved by tests on animals.
The same mutations are observed not only with the first (children), but also with the second (grand-children) and following generations. The patients’ checkup in the narcological dispensaries showed that parents’ alcoholism decreases the level of zinc in children’s bodies. If the subject is addicted to alcohol since childhood (up to 21 year), the deficit of zinc and surplus of cuprum will be 100% revealed with all descendants. This will increase the risk of alcoholism, drug addiction, schizophrenia, depression, qualms. The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children!
Sons of an alcohol addicted father have less zinc in their body, than their peers from sober families. The deficit of zinc causes delay in physical and intellectual development (boys show the delay more than girls). Advanced students have the level of zinc higher than those with lack of it.


Alcohol use causes slower penetration of elements into testicles and especially into epididymis. This fact was revealed by testing an animal-male with radioactive isotope of zinc. In a puberty period when genitals are formed the boys require more zinc.
If boys have lack of zinc they suffer from stunted height, weight deficit, slow sexual development, deviation in genitals, pilosis defect. The early use of alcohol, especially taking into account the sensibility of masculine body to zinc deficit, leads to malfunction of reproductive organs in the future such as suppression of spermatogenesis (sperm cells cannot fertilize ovum), erection malfunction, decrease in production of testosterone, beginning of prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. If women have the deficit of zinc and ese that will lead to hormonal disorders and sexual dysfunctions. The deficit of zinc in bodies of people who are addicted to alcohol leads to impotency, infecundity, birth of sick children as this element influences on functions of the genetic apparatus.
Influence of microelements on health
Zinc provides antitoxic functions of liver, vitamin A adoption, and resistance to viral and bacterial infections, prevents mutation of cells and tumor masses and helps to produce hormones.
Zinc is a compound part of enzymes - alcohol dehydrogenases, that oxidate and eliminate alcohol in the body. The lack of the element leads to intense alcoholism.
Manganese catalyzes the lipid and cholesterol destruction, participates in power generation, vitamin B synthesis, protects liver cells from fat degeneration (hepatic steatosis). Manganese, chrome and zinc allow production of enzymes, stabilize the hormonal balance, increases resistance to stress.
CHROME increases glucose uptake. The lack of this element causes damage of liver cells, kidneys (nephropathy), lungs (lung fibrosis, tumors, allergic diseases), coronary pathology of the heart, atherosclerosis, the risk of brain or heart attack, vegetative-vascular dystonia, paranephric disease.
SELENIUM prevents liver diseases (hepatitis), malignant tumors (cirrhosis), asthenia and psychasthenia, increases immune system, absorption of lipid-soluble vitamins A and E.
COBALT (a compound part of the vitamin B12 molecule) – accumulates in the liver, activates a big number of enzymatic process, protects liver from damages (steatosis).
IODINE and SELENIUM provides the synthesis of thyroid body’s hormones (physical and intellectual health).